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Lime and Lime Again Popcorn (Key Lim)

Difficulty: Easy

Recipe Ingredients:

1 teaspoon lime flavoring, optional
1 Tablespoon fresh lime juice
2 Tablespoons fresh lime peel
1 Tablespoon green colored decorator's sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt, optional
1/3 cup graham crackers, coarsely chopped
4 Tablespoons popping corn
4 Tablespoons popping oil
4 Tablespoons granulated sugar

Cooking Instructions:

Measure and mix the lime juice, lime peel, sugar, flavoring, salt, and graham crackers in a small bowl. Have this mixture ready next to popper. Have bowl ready to put popcorn in.

Put oil, popping corn, and sugar into the popper. Fasten the lid securely. Use high heat. Popping should start in about 2 minutes. Remove from heat when popping almost stops.

Quickly open lid and pour mixture over hot popcorn; then close lid and continue stirring (no heat) until throughly mixed. Pour into large bowl, tapping bottom of pan with hot pad to remove all popcorn and syrup. Cool and store in airtight container. Makes about six servings.

Contributor: Wabash Valley Farms